
Traditional cigarettes contain around 5,000 recognized chemicals

in numaher 22.12.2012 19:18
von Gramilo • 2 Beiträge

Traditional cigarettes contain around 5,000 recognized chemicals, and Boston College investigator Michael Siegel estimations that there might be as much as around 100,000 which are not yet been recognized. A number of these are cancer causing carcinogens, which Molotov cocktail of poisons accounts for the different well-recorded perils of smoking. E-cigarettes, however, contain nicotine, propylene glycol (or vegetable glycerine) plus some generally used food the taste experience.

Reviews of more substances present in e-cigarettes are broadly over-blown. One study checked out 18 different e-cigarettes and located that certain of these contained 1 % diethylene glycol, a chemical significantly stated to become a common element of antifreeze. However, exactly the same chemical can be found in aspirin in ten occasions greater amounts, as well as in an regular cigarette in forty occasions greater amounts. Tobacco-specific nitrosamines were also detected in e-cigarettes, however these cancer causing carcinogens were only present in very low amounts. An analysis by Michael Siegel shows that they're contained in cigarettes at between 300 and 1,400 occasions the amounts. E-cigarettes are comparable in nitrosamine levels to Food and drug administration-approved the nicotine patch. Also, he highlights these levels were within the e-cigarette cartridge, not within the breathed in vapor.

The myriad chemicals in cigarettes include 56 additional known cancer causing carcinogens, in comparison to e-cigarettes that have none in anything apart from trace amounts. It has been calculated that the individual would need to consume something around 12,000 entire tubes that contains diethylene glycol and propylene glycol within 24 hrs to become uncovered for them in toxic levels. The typical vaper experiences 1.5 each day, and heavier vapers consume three.

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.12.2012 19:20 | nach oben springen


RE: Traditional cigarettes contain around 5,000 recognized chemicals

in numaher 22.12.2012 19:20
von Gramilo • 2 Beiträge


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